Mar 11, 2017


   There is something about public school. Maybe it's because the amount of homework a teacher assigns is unaffected by how much homework you've already gotten from your other classes. Maybe it's the fact that your life becomes governed by a bell. Or maybe it's just the pure and simple awkwardness of being constantly surrounded by hundreds of kids your age.
Whatever the cause, be it one of these options, something not listed, or a combination of both, school has an undeniable quality that makes it perfectly designed to cause stress. Teenage angst has never been so widespread.

   On the other hand, there is homeschooling. You have loose schedule, get to work at home, and your teacher is also your Mom! Not only this, but you also get a complimentary dose of social anxiety!
Homeschooling has it's perks, but there are some undeniable downsides. There is the problem of being taught by your parents, who probably haven't had much teaching experience. Examples:
"That's not how I learned it!"
"Go to your room until you know how to graph linear equations!"
"Uh, I don't know what this is."
Not to mention that homeschooling pretty much guarantees that you will become weird and unsocialized.

   So, yeah. School is pretty much the worst. I am a wee bit cynical when it comes to this topic. There are issues with pretty much every option. Don't get me wrong, I love learning. Just not school. I didn't get into private school, but that's pretty much public school with more judgmental kids.

   Here is my advice: Don't let school get in the way of your education.